SS Trinità delle Monache complex

Naples, IT
A second chance for Giuseppe Bonaparte's military hospital


The SS Trinità delle Monache complex was built as a convent and church in the early 17th century and then converted into a military hospital in the following century. After its abandonment in 1992, the municipality of Naples acquired the complex and since 1999 has attempted to create partnerships with universities and local community groups to administer the refurbishment and adaptive reuse of the complex. This process got an extra impulse through the EU project “URBACT 2nd Chance – Revitalisation of the sleeping giants”, which commenced in 2014. The area is being converted into a mixed-use neighbourhood, where both local citizens and visitors can avail themselves of a range of cultural and culinary services. Furthermore, entrepreneurial activities based on the circular economy and environmental education are stimulated in the area.


In city centre


The convent and church were built in the early 17th century during the French colonization of the area. In 1807, the complex was converted into a military hospital, according to the will of Giuseppe Bonaparte. It was used as such until 1992 when it was finally abandoned. In the period 2014-2020 the European project “2nd Chance – Waking up the sleeping giants” has taken up the initiative to recover and refurbish the complex in collaboration with the local municipality and other local stakeholders. The neighbourhood where the initiative is located is considered one of the most economically, socially and environmentally degraded in the city. However, it has a strategic location in urban terms, as it connects the lower and the upper parts of the historical city centre, while also providing the highly-dense historical area with extensive green space. [1;2;3;5]

The aim of the initiative is to create a space for local reunions of youth, civil communities and art collectives while providing an accessible attraction for national and international visitors. It also aims to create a cultural hub with theatre performances, concerts, shows and exhibitions, as well as a place for showcasing local Neapolitan cuisine. Educational activities are organized for people of all ages and social classes, in which they are empowered to develop collaborative initiatives to meet their needs. [4;5]

As part of the regeneration of the area, the renovation of individual buildings is underway. Furthermore, a co-design and repair laboratory will be established, as well as an SME incubator focused on the circular economy and environmental education. The area will also host outdoor markets, a biodiversity hub, accommodations for artists, students and low-income earners, all of which are complemented with study and research activities to ensure their successful delivery. Hence, many activities in the area are still in the development phase. [4;5]


Heritage utilized
Building(s) and/or monumental structures
Creative and Cultural Industries; New Lifestyles
Circular economy; Community action; Creative industries; Education; Entertainment; Green space; Housing; Sharing economy; Social inclusion; Public space; Tourism


Up until now, the main activities are coordinated through the structure of the European project “2nd Chance – Waking up the sleeping giants”. The prospective governance structure is currently being realized. A public-community partnership model is being designed that will be governed by open democratic principles. This partnership will get the name of “Community for the Quartieri Spagnoli Park” and will take up the main managerial tasks of the initiative. At the base of this partnership lies the already established local working group currently involved in the European project. [4;5]


Governance arrangement
Hybrid governance
Organisational form
Public-community partnership model
Stakeholders involved in implementation
National Government; Local Government / municipality; Civil society / community group; Researchers / University; EU bodies

Business Model

The initiative has received €6.000.000 through the national public budget. It is designing a self-sustaining financial model, but at the moment does not have generated revenue of its own. [4;5]


Initial investment
Type of financial resources utilized
Earmarked public budget
Source of financial resources
Public national budget
Non-financial contributions


  1. Napoligrafia (n.d.) Complesso della Santissima Trinità delle Monache. Retrieved from, on 26-09-2021.

  2. Cose di Napoli (n.d.). Complesso della Santissima Trinità delle Monache. Retrieved from, on 26-09-2021.

  3. Del Tufo, V. (2020) Trinità delle Monache, il gigante che dorme tra i fantasmi del passato. Retrieved from, on 26-09-2021.

  4. Comune di Napoli (n.d.), Complesso SS Trinità delle Monache (ex Ospedale Militare parco ed edificio C). Retrieved from, on 26-09-2021.

  5. URBACT (2017), Complesso della SS Trinità delle Monache (ex Ospedale Militare). Avviso pubblico di manifestazione d’interesse per la partecipazione all’ URBACT Local Group finalizzato all’elaborazione di un piano di azione locale volto al recupero e rifunzionalizzazione del complesso della SS Trinità delle Monache (ex Ospedale Militare) – Progetto “2nd Chance- waking up the sleeping giants”, programma di cooperazione territoriale URBACT III 2014. Retrieved from, on 26-09-2021.