
St-Gillis, BE
Copyright Mathias Nouel
A community centre based in a former piano factory


Pianofabriek (Pianofactory in English) is a community centre based in the municipality of St-Gillis (Brussels). The name is a reminder of the famous Gunther piano factory that was once housed in the building. Nowadays, Pianofabriek is an open space for cultural and artistic co-creation and talent development, that enables interaction between both starting and experienced artists, as well as people from different background and age groups. Different initiatives, including a CityLab, operate from the building and together they organise a wide range of activities include among others concerts, lectures and expositions, as well as literacy lessons, dance courses and artistic workshops.


St-Gillis / Brussels
In city centre


Pianofabriek (Pianofactory in English) is built on the remains of Fort of Montere, in the municipality of St-Gillis (Brussels). The fort was erected in 1692 as a military defence basis. At the end of the 18th century, the site lost its military function and was demolished. In 1898, the German Gunther family founded a piano factory on site. They would become one of the most respected piano manufacturers in Europe. Due to increasing competition from international manufacturers, the piano factory closed in 1977. In 1982, the building was bought by the Flamish Government. It remained derelict for some time, and several renovation attempts failed, mainly due to the high initial investments. [1]

In 1992, the merger of the associations of the social-cultural council and a meeting centre for immigrants led to the emergence of Pianofabriek. In 2002, a six year renovation project was started. In 2008, the renewed complex was opened to the public. As part of this renovation, the façade of the building was decorated with ceramic tiles with music notes on it, as a remembrance of the former piano factory. Inside, several authentic details still remind visitors of the former function of the building. [1]

Pianofabriek is a working space and breeding ground for talent in St-Gillis. It aims to be an open space for cultural and artistic co-creation and talent development. By providing a space for both starting and experienced artists, as well as people from different background and age groups, Pianofabriek aims to tackle socially engaged themes in the urban context, including poverty, sustainability and education. Pianofabriek houses different initiatives, including a community centre, workspaces for artists, and a training centre. It also facilitates a city lab, which has grown into a network-partnership of young and innovative artists in audio-visual and performing arts. [1]

A wide range of activities are organised within Pianofabriek, bringing a diverse audience into the centre. Activities include among others concerts, lectures and expositions. Next to that literacy lessons, dance courses and artistic workshops for different age groups take place within the centre. There is also a space for band rehearsals and studio recordings. The centre houses a café called Alcantaram. Several spaces in the centre can be rented by the general public. On average, Pianofabriek welcomes around 300 visitors per day. [1;2]


Heritage utilized
Building(s) and/or monumental structures
Cultural and Creative Industries
Community action; Creative industries; Education; Entertainment; Social Inclusion; Public Space


Pianofabriek is led by a non-profit organisation that employs around 30 staff members. It is governed through a general assembly, a daily board and thematic steering groups. The general operations of the centre, including administration, financial management, reception and logistics, are shared among the initiatives. This allows for crossovers, multidisciplinary and social-artistic projects to arise, and for overhead costs to remain low. Next to the shared services, each of the individual initiatives has its own personnel and resources. [1]

The building is owned by the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), a governmental organization responsible for developing Dutch-speaking network of services and facilities in the region. [1;3]


Governance arrangement
Hybrid governance
Organisational form
Non-Profit Entity
Stakeholders involved in implementation
Local Government / municipality; Non-government organisation / non-profit organisation; Citizens or community groups

Business Model

It is unknown how the renovations of the building have been financed. It also remains unknown how the operations of the Pianofabriek are financed.


Initial investment
Type of financial resources utilized
Source of financial resources
Non-financial contributions


  1. Pianofabriek, organisational website, https://www.pianofabriek.be/, accessed on 16/08/2022

  2. Van Mensel and Janssens (n.d.), Publieksonderzoek gemeenschapscentra: een onderzoek naar het profiel van de bezoekers van de Vlaamse gemeenschapscentra in Brussel. Available on: https://www.briobrussel.be/sites/default/files/gemeenschapcentra.pdf, accessed on 16/08/2022

  3. Flemish Community Commission (VGC), organisational website, https://www.vgc.be/en, accessed on 16/08/2022